
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

JES@ Who Win My Heart SCRIPT 112

I was chasing this 2 Taiwan dramas:
下一站,幸福 :
海派甜心 :

one is very romantic and touching.
and one is more comedy and romantic.

anything that can touch my heart win my heart.
and therefore, 下一站,幸福 wins my heart.

I was deeply attracted not by that 任光晞 .
But by 梁慕橙 and 梁小樂

deeply impressed by her
that 水汪汪的big big eyes....
and tears...
And that 米修!米修!
the way 小樂 call 慕橙 慕橙...

Don't know why 小樂 call his mummy 慕橙..
Is there a story behind?
did i miss the part where tell why he call his mum by her name?
very interesting. haha

I also called my mummy "Eng Suo" "Eng Suo" .

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